What's going on here?
- 25/09/2022
QtDMM-0.9.0 Peter Stam kindly provided a statically linked binary for Windows 10 (no dependencies)
- 25/03/2018
QtDMM-0.9.2 has been ported to Windows. This is just an experiment for now. You'll need MinGW runtime environment
- 30/10/2017
New version 0.9.3 for QtDMM. Bugfix in export when timestep was below one second
- 19/09/2016
64bit RPM for QtDMM 0.9.2 for QtDMM. 64bit binary RPM kindly added by Radek Liboska
- 17/09/2016
RPM for QtDMM 0.9.2 for QtDMM. 32bit binary and src RPM's have been kindly provided by Radek Liboska
- 19/04/2016
New version 0.9.2 for QtDMM. Some bugfixes and new multimeters added
- 27/04/2014
New version 0.9.0 for QtDMM. QtDMM was ported to Qt4 and relicensed to GPL version 3
- 02/23/2012
- 19/12/2011
New version 0.8.14 for QtDMM
- 18/07/2009
New version 0.8.13 for QtDMM
- 12/06/2008
T.O.B.B. (Terribly Overengeneered Balancing Bot) page added
- 11/25/2007
New version 0.8.12 for QtDMM. 5 new multimeter have been added.
- 11/25/2007
- 11/24/2007
QtDMM goes Mac OS X ( QtDMM-0.8.11). This is the first attempt for an OS X port of QtDMM. Please keep in mind that this my very first attempt of programming under OS X at all. It works on my machine, please tell me if it works for you.
- 11/09/2007
New version QtDMM-0.8.10. Added Sinometer MAS-343, PeakTech 3330, Voltrcaft VC940, Digitech QM1537, Uni-Trend UT30A, Uni-Trend UT30E, Digitek DT-9062 and PeakTech 4360. Bugfix for VC820 family
- 11/09/2007
New version for cdmm. Added telnet port to cdmm
- 01/09/2007
New version for cdmm. Buxfixes and fully tested
support for ME-32 and VC820
- 19/08/2007
New version for QtDMM 0.8.9. Added Iso-Tech IDM 73 and Added Voltcraft M-3610D
- 23/07/2007
Update for xscreensaver hack GLCells. GLCells is part of xscreensaver 5.03 and (probably) above
- 17/06/2007
Added small OpenGL xscreensaver hack GLCells.
- 04/03/2007
Bugfix release for QtDSO.
- 23/02/2007
First release for cdmm a commandline application for multimeter. cdmm will be part of the QtDMM2 package (Qt-4 version of QtDMM)
- 04/02/2007
New release for QtDSO. Some features have
been added, it compiles with gcc 4.x and a bug in the configure script was fixed.
- 04/02/2007
Maintenance release for QtWvDialer. A bug in the configure script was fixed.
- 04/02/2007
Maintenance release for YaPIDE. Now
it compiles with gcc 4.x and a bug in the configure script was fixed.
- 24/11/2006
- 19/11/2006
Maintenance release 0.8.8 for QtDMM
- 31/12/2005
- 31/12/2005
- 20/12/2005
New version 0.8.7 for QtDMM.
- 15/08/2005
New version 0.8.6 for QtDMM.
- 12/05/2005
New version 0.8.5 for QtDMM.
- 2/05/2005
Radek Liboska kindly created RPM's for QtDMM.
- 24/04/2005
Maintenance release for QtDMM.
- 29/04/2005
Finally ported QtDMM to Qt 3.x.
- 26/07/2004
Initial release for YaPIDE (Yet Another PIC IDE). YaPIDE aims to be a fully
featured Microchip PIC simulator for Linux (and probably other UNIXes). YaPIDE is a GUI only application. If you need a
commandline based PIC simulator there is the excellent GPSIM. The simulator kernel currently supports the
PIC 16F628.
- 26/07/2004
New release 0.2 for QtDSO. Simulator and converter histogram were added.
- 26/07/2004
- 24/07/2004
QtDSO now links against fftw3 (and only fftw3 as the API's are different).
- 21/07/2004
Improved logfile viewer for QtWvDialer. Minor changes in website design.
- 19/07/2004
Maintenance release QtDSO 0.1.1. Made it compile with gcc 3.x and Qt-3.x
- 18/07/2004
After a very long break I'm back on the road again! New design of the website.
- 18/07/2004
- 20/10/2002
New version 0.8.2 for QtDMM. New Configuration dialog and some feature enhancements in the graph.
- 19/10/2002
Radek Liboska created RPM's for QtDMM 0.8.1. Thanks Radek!
- 13/10/2002
New version 0.8.1 for QtDMM. Compilation problem on RedHat based systems possibly solved and zoom for graph.
- 13/10/2002
New version 0.8 for QtDMM. It features numerous bugfixes and the ability to display up to four
values from the multimeter. I finally got my hands on a multimeter that showed the same problems reported
by some people. This should be fixed now. All people that had connection problems with their DMM (Jumping
display or just the first value) definitively should try this version. more....
- 03/10/2002
QtDSO 0.1 is out. QtDSO is a frontend for the Velleman PCS64i digital oscilloscope. more....
- 03/07/2002
- Radek Liboska was so kind to create RPM's for QtDMM. Thanks Radek!
- 03/02/2002
New version 0.7 for QtDMM. Some more Voltcraft models have been added plus minor bugfixes.
- 12/25/2001
Christmas is boring. MtSystem, a super simple but usefull logfile viewer got some more functionality.
See bits section.
- 12/25/2001
MtSystem, a super simple but usefull logfile viewer can be found in the bits section.
- 12/18/2001
Version 0.6.2 of QtDMM shows a wrong version string. It reports 0.6.1 in the titlebar of the window.
If your version has the 'integration' feature you can be shure that you have 0.6.2. I won't make a new
version for this. Sorry for the confusion. Won't happen again ... I promise :)
- 12/15/2001
New version 0.6.2 for QtDMM. Some more drawing options for the graph and integration curve
(User request from Radek Liboska).
- 11/27/2001
Radek Liboska liboska@uochb.cas.cz was so kind to create RedHat 7.1 RPM's for QtDMM-0.6.1.
You can find them here. Thanks a lot for your help Radek!
- 11/25/2001
New version 0.6.1 for QtDMM. Completed online help and minor internal cleanup.
- 11/24/2001
New version 0.6 for QtDMM. Minor bugfixes and chrome.
- 10/27/2001
- New version 0.5.1 for QtDMM. Two more DMM models where added plus some more online help chrome.
- 09/05/2001
New version 0.5 for QtDMM. QtDMM can start external commands at given thresholds now. New DMM's added.
- 09/04/2001
RedHat 7.1 RPM's added for QtDMM 0.4.
- 09/04/2001
New release 0.4.1 for QtDMM. Improved import.
- 09/02/2001
New release 0.4 for QtDMM. Added import of data. Configuration dialog is nonmodal now. Added some
GUI chrome and persistent printer settings. Added support for 22-805 Radioshack DMM, Metex/Voltcraft ME-11
and Voltcraft ME-22T.
- 05/12/2001
New release 0.3 for QtDMM. Added support for Voltcraft M-4660.
- 05/08/2001
New release 0.2 for QtDMM. Added support for PeakTech-451 DMM and more port settings.
Additionally you'll find a model selection menu.
- 04/15/2001
QtDMM 0.1 is out! A friend of mine asked me for a DMM readout software for Linux as the DOS
software he had sucked a lot. To help him out I wrote this little piece of software.
See www.mtoussaint.de/qtdmm.html.
- 04/05/2001